Sufganeyot for Hanukkah

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Hanukkah Doughnuts Sufganeyot filled with cream Patisserie or Chocolate Ganache step by step for beginners and advance




💕 😊All ingredients are Kosher and can be purchased on my Amazon Kosher shop except perishables Ingredients:

For cream patisserie-

1 sleeve Vanilla bean

1 cup milk (preferly whole milk), optional- plant base milk

1 cup sugar

3 Egg yolks

2.5 Tbsp corn starch

2.25 Tbsp Unsalted butter

For the Chocolate Ganache- :

1/2 cup chocolate chips

8oz heavy cream, optional- plant base heavy cream

For the dough- :

1.5 cup water

1 Tbsp dry yeast

1/2 cup vegetable oil

1+1/3 cup sugar

Hint of salt

5 cups flour

3 eggs

2 Tbsp plain rum or vodka

Enjoy bonus: Two of my Exclusive recipes:

💖Chef Yaffa's recipe for epic lemon spread/dip-

  1. 💖Chef Yaffa's first place, award-winning Garlic spread-

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  1. TO MAKE

  2. Start by gently scraping the seeds of a vanilla bean, add them to a small pot.

  3. Add 1 cup of milk, preferly whole milk, 3 egg yolks, 1 cup sugar, mix well.

  4. Cook to warm the milk, carefull not to scorch the milk, mix constantly while cooking.

  5. Add 2.5 Tbsp corn starch, keep mixing to avoid lumps in the cream.

  6. Now add the vanilla bean seeds, keep mixing all the time.

  7. When the sauce get hot it will get thick so do not stop mixing with a whisk.

  8. As soon as you see bubbles, remove from the heat and gradually mix in 2.25 Tbps unsalted butter, keep mixing untill the butter is all blended in.

  9. Taste to check flavor, Your cream patisier is ready.

  10. Run the cream through a screen collander to get rid of all the pieces of vanilla bean sleev.

  11. Cover the cream with a clear plastic, make sure that the clear plastic touches the cream, there should not be any air between the cream and the clear plastic, set the cream aside to cool down, then refrigerate.

  12. Make the chocolate ganash-

  13. Add 8oz heavy cream or plant base cream to a small pot, cook to medium hot while constantly mixing, remove from heat.

  14. Add 1/2 cup chocolate chip, and mix to melt the chocolate.

  15. Cool the chocolate , refrigerate for 3 hour

  16. Up to this step everything can be done the day before.

  17. Before filling the chocolate ganash whip with a mixer to get a stiff cream.

  18. To make the Sufganeyot dough-:

  19. Add to a mixer 11/2 cup of lukewarm water, 1 Tbsp dry yeast, let sit 3 minutes to get some bubbles.

  20. Add 11/3 cup sugar, 1/2 cup vegetable oil, 3 eggs in room tempreture, mix for 2 minutes.

  21. Slowly start adding flour, a hint of salt & let the mixer work for 10 minutes.

  22. Sprinkle flour in a large bowl and transfer the sticky dough to the bowl.

  23. Sprinkle more flour on top of the dough, do not worry about the sticky dough.

  24. Cover dough with clear plastic until it doubled it’s size.

  25. Knead it for a few minutes to get some of the air out.

  26. Divide the dough to two parts, roll out the first part.

  27. Flour the rim of a cleat glass to avoid sticky dough & use the glass to create dough circles.

  28. Generousley flour a baking pan and place dough circle on it.

  29. Repeat with second part of the batch.

  30. Cover all dough circles and let it rise for 1-1/2 hours.

  31. Fill up a small pot with vegetable oil at least half of it’s hight, oil heat should be meduim to meduim high.

  32. Gently grab first Sufganeya and place in the pot, cover the pot for the first minute, then uncover the pot and cook for one more minute.

  33. A great tip for easy frying-

  34. Cut a large parchment paper into squares in the size of 3”x3”.

  35. Spray brush the squares with oil, then place the circles of dough one on each square, now cover the squares and let the dough rise for 1-1/2 hours.

  36. When the dough is ready, take one circle with it’s parchment paper and insert it upsidedown into the pot of oil, easily remove the oiled parchment paper and discard it.

  37. Your Sufganeya will be gently secured and start bubbles freely in the oil.

  38. Fry the Sufganeyot 1 minutes on each side, let them cool a minute before adding the filling.

  39. Poke a Sufganeya with a straw or a thin knife then add the filling with a plastic sleeve or poke a small hole in a simple plastic bag, fill it up with the filling of your choice and fill each Sufganeya.

  40. Sprinkle each Sufganeya with powdered sugar and decorate with a cherry or jelly on top.

  41. Share this recipe with your community for support.

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Fan mail: Sephardic Flavors- 1155 S. Havana St. # 11-476 Aurora CO 80012 USA

😊Music credit goes to-Words, Music by

Scrape Vanilla seeds from Vanilla bean

Making cream patisier to fill in the Hanukkah Sufganeyot

Discard the remaining for the Vanilla bean

Discard the remaining of the Vanilla bean - Sephardic Balabusta shares tasteful treasures

Knead Sufganeyot dough and divide to two parts - Sephardic Balabusta shares tasteful treasures

Sprinkleflour on baking pan, use cup to get circles in the Sufganeyot dough - Sephardic Balabusta shares tasteful treasures

Heat up oil to 165F Fry Sufganeyot 1 minute on each side

Insert a knife to make a hole in the Sufganeya, then add cream patisier into the hole - Sephardic Balabusta shares tasteful treasures

Use a plastic sleeve to insert the cream patisier into the Sufganeya - Sephardic Balabusta shares tasteful treasures

Enjoy these yummy Sufganeyot from my kitchen to yours - Sephardic Balabusta shares tasteful treasures

As always, with love, from my kitchen to yours

Enjoy 💕

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