Fall Mini Cakes are also great for Shavuot.

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Shirts, hoodies, mugs, bottles, towels, pictures, long sleeves, tank top, shopping bags, blankets.


Batter ingredients-

1 cup vegetable oil

11/2 cup brown sugar

3 large eggs

1 cups of pumpkin puree

1/2 tsp. baking soda

1/2 tsp. baking powder

2 cups flour

Cheese filling-

1 cup cream cheese

11/2 cups powdered sugar.

pinch of salt

1 tsp. vanilla extract

Pumpkin bake spice mix- See recipe in spice mixes.

Never stick formula- See recipe in substitute & Hints.


Fall Mini Cakes are also great for Shavuot. — Sephardic Flavors | Jewish Mediterranean Food Fall pumpkin desserts are so warm and wonderful to serve especially if it is filled with cheese and vanilla. They are individually served and are great to pla

Make the batter- to the mixer add oil, brown sugar, mix for a minute, gradually add eggs, increase the speed, add mashed pumpkin, baking powder & baking soda, mix well, add pumpkin spice mix and flour, mix well, scrape the bowl and mix again, and finally add salt.

Fall Mini Cakes are also great for Shavuot. — Sephardic Flavors | Jewish Mediterranean Food Fall pumpkin desserts are so warm and wonderful to serve especially if it is filled with cheese and vanilla. They are individually served and are great to pla

Make the cheese filling, add all cheese ingredients and mix well, set aside.

Fall Mini Cakes are also great for Shavuot. — Sephardic Flavors | Jewish Mediterranean Food Fall pumpkin desserts are so warm and wonderful to serve especially if it is filled with cheese and vanilla. They are individually served and are great to pla

Spray the cakelet baking pan with nonstick pan, now add the formula for nonstick formula.

Fall Mini Cakes are also great for Shavuot. — Sephardic Flavors | Jewish Mediterranean Food Fall pumpkin desserts are so warm and wonderful to serve especially if it is filled with cheese and vanilla. They are individually served and are great to pla

Add batter to a third of the size of the cake space, then add 1 tsp. cheese filling,

Fall Mini Cakes are also great for Shavuot. — Sephardic Flavors | Jewish Mediterranean Food Fall pumpkin desserts are so warm and wonderful to serve especially if it is filled with cheese and vanilla. They are individually served and are great to pla

This is how it should look.

Fall Mini Cakes are also great for Shavuot. — Sephardic Flavors | Jewish Mediterranean Food Fall pumpkin desserts are so warm and wonderful to serve especially if it is filled with cheese and vanilla. They are individually served and are great to pla

Let cool before you cut to see the filling.

Enjoy a delicious a fall or Shavuot mini cakes & share with family & friends.

As always, with love, from my kitchen to yours

Enjoy 💕

Allergies? Find a substitute here!

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Pumpkin Spice Blend


Homemade Ice Cream in 5 Minutes, Great Shavuot Treat.